HOW TO PRESENT A REPORT In front of an audience.

The Result Followed by a Recommendation.

What to think about: Be objective, impartial, base all your statements on facts, logos.


1. Describe your theme. As requested…, I have been assigned to assess the possibility to find a location for a new sports centre close to the city centre…

2. Introduction. The purpose of this assessment has been to… Despite the efforts I have found this work very satisfying and it reminds me of… (here you can use a quotation…) what Thomas Henry Huxley once said: Zeal without knowledge is fire without light.” (Huxley had planned to leave Oxford instead of participating in a debate but he changed his mind, stayed, debated and won…)
Thesis. First of all I would like to say that I will recommend … rather than… Here you can use phrases like: It would be ideal to… It would/not be advantageous/practical to…

3. Summary of Reasons. The main reason… But I will return to that later on.

4. General Conditions/Problems/Challenges. The reason for this issue… At the same time…

5. Alternative Actions. In this situation there may be two possible solutions.

6. Comparisons/Advantages – Disadvantages. The advantage of the first alternative is … while on the other hand there are two serious disadvantages connected to… Regarding the second alternative… there is one also a problem but…

7. Additional Alternatives. Furthermore, it would be possible to solve most problems if one took a third alternative into consideration… However… In addition…

8. Recommendation. On the basis on the points mentioned above… Therefore I recommend… The only/obvious conclusion to be drawn from these facts is…

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Visuella Hjälpmedel

Jag kan inte nog understryka hur viktigt det är med rätt hjälpmedel på rätt plats. Dina åhörare kan förstå hur du tänker och vad du vill få fram om de får se en bild, ett stapeldiagram, ett pajdiagram eller grafer, ett OH, ett föremål, en modell, skriver på tavlan eller använder din kropp för att visa med gester vad du menar.

Nyckeln till framgång är ENKELHET.

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